- 125g wholemeal flour
- 125g plain flour
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 8fl oz Natural Greek yoghurt (I used low fat but dont suppose it will matter....)
- 2 teaspoons soft brown sugar

Sieve and mix all the dry ingredients
Then add the yoghurt - Mix with a wooden spoon first then use your hands. Keep mixing until firm but not sticky - I needed to add a bit more flour at this point.
Knead for about a minute then make into a ball
Score a deep cross in top
Bake on gas 8 / 230 deg for 12 minutes then reduce to gas 6 or 200 deg for a further 15-20 minutes - should look good and sound hollow when tapped underneath when it's ready.
Leave to cool until you cant wait any longer then smother with butter/jam etc and enjoy!

Love the pic of Fliss helping out :) Will try this when I get back!