I know that everyone has their own recipe for this but I have a big thing for goats cheese, so here we go!
Puff pastry (pre-rolled if you're as lazy as me)
A large red onion
A block of goats cheese (as big as you want)
Pre heat your oven to gas mark tart and then cut some circles of pastry from the puff pastry that looks bigger than they'd need to be. Butter a muffin tray and then put your puff pastry in the holes and fork them before placing in the oven to blind bake for about fifteen mins.
Chop your onion into a half and then thin slices. Place into a sauce pan with a knob of butter and cook slowly with a couple of tea spoons of sugar until the onions soften and make their own caramel.
After the tart cases have blind baked take them out of the oven and fill the bottoms with the red onion and top with as much goats cheese as you can possibly fit in. Put them back in the oven at gas mark golden brown and cook till they look amazing. Enjoy with a nice salad, good company and if your host is kind enough, some chocolate orange coffee. Noms! Print this post
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