It's a recipe from Jamie Oliver with my usual meddling
- 100g unsalted butter
- large pinch of grated nutmeg
- large pinch of cinnamon
- zest of one large orange
- 16 slices Warburtons Raisin bread
- 9 large eggs
- 140g caster sugar
- 500ml whole milk (I did use 250ml semi skimmed and 250ml Elmlea 55% less fat cream here)
- 565ml double cream
- 1 vanilla pod (or I used 2tsp vanilla extract)
- 4 tbsp fine cut marmalade
- Whiskey
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Make a flavoured butter by mixing the butter, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange zest. Use some of it to butter a largish shallow ovenproof dish (I used one of my smaller lasagne dishes).
Butter the bread using the flavoured butter, then cut each slice in half diagonally, place these in the buttered dish and drizzled whiskey over the top.
Separate the eggs, keep 9 yolks and 1 white (freeze the other 8 egg whites and use them at a later date, good for meringues). Which together the 9 yolks and one white with the caster sugar.
Gently heat the milk and cream and add the vanilla pod (don't boil the milk, just heat it slowly). Pour this warm mix into the eggs and mix together. Remove the vanilla pod and pour the mix over the bread and leave to soak for 20 mins.
Put the dish in a roasting tin and pour boiling water in to cover it up to halfway up the side of the dish. Cook in oven for 45 mins until the custard is set.
After 45 mins warm the marmalade in a saucepan or microwave, remove the dish from the oven and brush the marmalade over the top of the bread. Put the pudding back in the oven for 5-10 mins to glaze. Allow to cool and firm up slightly before serving.
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