Preheat oven to 180C or gas 4
Grease 9 inch cake tin
Beat butter, sugar and orange rind.
Slowly add the eggs beating well
Fold in carrot, pecans and fruit
Add vanilla extract and orange juice
Fold in sift flour, mixed spice, salt and bicarb
Bake for 45 - 60 minutes
NB I had too much mixture left so experimented and made some carrot cake muffins!!
For topping, beat the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add the icing sugar and vanilla essence. Lavish over cake indulgently and enjoy. Yum yum.
It's a recipe from Jamie Oliver with my usual meddling
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Make a flavoured butter by mixing the butter, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange zest. Use some of it to butter a largish shallow ovenproof dish (I used one of my smaller lasagne dishes).
Butter the bread using the flavoured butter, then cut each slice in half diagonally, place these in the buttered dish and drizzled whiskey over the top.
Separate the eggs, keep 9 yolks and 1 white (freeze the other 8 egg whites and use them at a later date, good for meringues). Which together the 9 yolks and one white with the caster sugar.
Gently heat the milk and cream and add the vanilla pod (don't boil the milk, just heat it slowly). Pour this warm mix into the eggs and mix together. Remove the vanilla pod and pour the mix over the bread and leave to soak for 20 mins.
Put the dish in a roasting tin and pour boiling water in to cover it up to halfway up the side of the dish. Cook in oven for 45 mins until the custard is set.
After 45 mins warm the marmalade in a saucepan or microwave, remove the dish from the oven and brush the marmalade over the top of the bread. Put the pudding back in the oven for 5-10 mins to glaze. Allow to cool and firm up slightly before serving.
Saute the leek and garlic in a pan. Add the bacon.
Once bacon cooked add the mushrooms and courgettes and thyme.
Saute for around 5 mins until soft.
Then add ricotta, creme fraiche and cream and put on a low heat until bubbling. If sauce too thick add a little water.
Finally add stilton and stir.
Boil pasta and then add to pan and mix well.
Brush a baking tin with melted butter (swiss roll tin) and preheat oven to 170 degrees.
Put a pan of water on the hob to boil. Put butter and chocolate in a heatproof glass dish and balance on top of pan of water so water is heating bowl gently, stir from time to time. Keep pan on a low simmer and allow butter and chocolate to melt but not get too hot. Once melted remove bowl from pan.
In large bowl whisk together sugar, eggs and vanilla just until they are combined, then add melted chocolate mix and flour and mix. Finally add all other ingredients nuts, marshmallows, chocolate pieces and courgette (I promise you can't taste the courgette, it dissolves completely and makes the brownies stay really moist) and mix well.
Empty mixture out into tray, bake on centre shelf of oven for about 25mins (don't be afraid to cook for longer), brownie is ready when you put a knife in centre and pull out and some mix is on the knife but it looks a little cooked and not raw. Take out of oven and allow to cool (will keep cooking).
Once cooled spread icing on top (if required), then cut into pieces (I usually do around 18 pieces) and don't tell people they have courgettes in until they have eaten them, then watch their faces!!
Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.
Put a spoon of butter in a chefs or saute pan, saute the leeks gently then add the asparagus and courgette, cook until soft.
Add all ingredients to bowl (except the puff pastry and milk) and season to taste with salt, pepper, paprika and cayenne pepper. Mix ingredients well with hands (messy but fun!).
Butter a baking sheet.
Flour a work surface and get puff pastry out of packet, lay on surface and gently roll out so that the piece is around 50cm wide by 30cm long. Place half of mixture on pastry and spread out so it is 2cm from each side and the bottom edge, but it is 10cm from top edge. Paint milk along all the edges. Roll the pastry over approximately 2 or three times to make a large sausage shape about 10cm long and 50cm wide. Very carefully (its very delicate and may need two of you) lift the pastry onto the baking sheet, and if it will not fit on the sheet properly make a horseshoe shape. Paint top with milk.
Repeat above instructions for second packet of pastry.
Cook in oven for 30-40mins until golden brown on top.
Adapted from a recipe from my cooking oracle, my mum, who I think got it from my Uncle.
Ingredients in italics optional.
Warning, I make a LOT of soup, lots left over to freeze :) But you need a really big pan!
Fry chopped up bacon together with onions, leek and garlic.
Add beans, courgettes, leaves, mange tout, potatoes, celery, carrots. Sweat off for 10mins.
Add tomatoes, puree, herbs, seasoning and stock.
Add pasta and cook for as long as possible, serve with crusty ciabatta and parmesan.