Had a multitude of cucumbers, not very impressed with the gherkin variety, they grew very large and were prickly, but the cucino smooth ones were lovely.
Still waiting to see any fruit from the Tomatillo or Aubergine but the Cape Gooseberries are showing signs but very small.

Had some great sucess with the onions grown from sets. Ended up with over 50 of them, they were put out to dry in the garage and then bagged up ready for use.
Have had a glut of courgettes and runner beans, the courgettes I have used in as many different recipes as possible which you can find on the site and the runner beans I pick and then put in water to make them crisp (thanks Mum!), then use the bean slicer and chop them up smaller, put in a zip lock bag and freeze to use whenever.
The carrots are starting to come through and we have had a good harvest of potatoes. I am now starting to plan for the winter months, putting sun tunnels over the back two beds to ensure I can produce over the wintertime. I still have kale producing, broccoli, sprouts and cabbage, had some great cauliflowers this year and got leeks, turnips, swede, parsnips and carrots to come - winter veg is mainly going to be cabbage, salad, beans, beetroot and turnip.
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