With help from mum did some serious masacring of the triffid squashes and courgettes. Took one of the 7 courgette plants out as it had come to the end of its cropping time. Cabbages and Brassicas have been decimated by Cabbage white butterflies, must have 2,000 caterpillars. Had to cave in and use pesticide in the end as they were attacking the sprouts for Xmas and the Purple Sprouting Broccoli.
Dug up the last potato bucket, no more now till Xmas.
Made a fantastic Roast Beef dinner the other day with potatoes from the garden and Kale, broccoli and cabbage!
Picked - Kale, Cabbage, beans, tomatoes, potatoes
Planted - Savoy and spring cabbages, winter lettuces
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